P&C Welcome
The members of the Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) would like to extend a very warm 'Tally Way' welcome to new and current families of Tallebudgera State School.
Your P&C is a group of everyday parents working in partnership with our school and community to coordinate initiatives and events throughout the year that foster school and community spirit as well as raise funds for important projects like the school hall deck, 'The Lookout' outdoor classroom, undercover walkways, composting programs and much more.
The P&C's function is not only fundraising. Through our meetings it is hoped that there can be a better understanding of how the school is run and the realisation of how important it is for parents to be actively involved with their child's school.
Meetings and Membership
The P&C Association meet on the Friday of Week 4 and 8 each term at 9.00am. Meeting times and how to RSVP are advertised in the school newsletter and on the P&C's Facebook page. P&C need people from all walks of life and with a range of talents who are committed to delivering great outcomes for their children and school. The more people involved, the more exciting and successful it will be.
Attendance at our meetings is a great opportunity to find out more about what is happening in the school and the P&C future plans. It is also a venue to discuss ideas to promote the school's interest and contribute to the school's improvement with both the Principal and other parents. We hope you will come along and share your ideas.
Becoming a P&C member is a chance to have a direct involvement in achieving the best educational outcomes for our children. We are always happy to welcome and hear fresh ideas from new people.
Executive members
President: James Hill
Vice-Presidents: Paige Johnston and Lauren Nielsen
Treasurer: Kylee Kay
Secretary: Corinne Campbell
Tally P & C Prosperity Partners - Business Sponsorship
Thank you to our Tally P&C prosperity partners for supporting the work of the P&C. Contact the P & C on the above email with your expression of interest in becoming a Tally P&C Prosperity Partner.
Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor